Inimitable Perception
Do colors have a language? If it has one, what language is it? Is it some canonical text from the Gospels or a vague inchoate idea of prayers? Obscure-it may be in nature, but the language of colors does sink you in with narcotic charm.
“Computers are useless – as Picasso once said, all they can give you are answers.” But, does this statement be held as true? There is no right or wrong answer to the argument you put forward in terms of this statement by Picasso. You can agree with him and shut up or you might disagree and question it, to entertain yourself with the idea of reasoning. Either way, you ponder, but the agreeable ones though are the beings who like to be dictated.
Drench yourself in the repulsion to be attracted towards the credo of the intrinsic beauty of colors.
The human mind is capable of observations and imaginations while it is at ease. We all have this aesthetic gift to draw a picture of the same object (suppose in this case a bird) differently. You might color the bird blue with a black tail and I might dip my brush in red, yellow and white to make my bird enliven. The imagination is not a revelation that one thinks, it is the perception of the observations your eyes and mind has exposed itself to. The mind only awakens these observations when you are in isolation and it imagines the colors it finds attractive. But, it doesn’t at all mean that the mind deems the other colors repulsive, most probably it hasn’t exposed itself to the other colors in the same way.
Now you will be wondering, how do I unmask the theory of colors which I find repulsive? The answer to this question is simple, but I am not going to answer that for you. The reason is that I don’t want you to be spoon fed and dictated. Drench yourself in the repulsion to be attracted towards the credo of the intrinsic beauty of colors.
-‘Isolation,‘ is a hint I can give you to find the answers, as I believe it sobers up your drunken mind to think clearly and wisely.
The inimitable ways of perceiving things lie in the nihilistic observation of your milieu. When your pulse beats to these nihilistic observations, you will find delight in the aesthetics of the morphed reality.
There is always a fear in us about contradicting ourselves at some point in life. Sometimes the simplicity of things can make our thoughts pregnant or it can be the complexity which aborts our mind of any lateral thinking or it can be the other way around. This paradoxical juxtaposition of our thoughts creates a melody to which one can whirl like the Whirling Dervishes also called Sufi Whirling. If your feet don’t swirl like that of the Dervishes, don’t panic, it is a good sign. Some special force will guide your feet to choreograph your own dance form and this will be colored with your revered colors.
You can cling to the idea of seeing colors as mere colors and not giving it any language. But doing so, you will be smothering the hidden motifs of your perceived ideology. If you have always seen death in the form of red, next time you draw death on the canvas, paint it with blue, and you will see a different side of it. Same with love; intoxicate it with gray color if you have been seeing it as white (pure and divine), to create a whole new fable. Don’t be scared of experimenting with your perceptions, every time you do it, you will be taken by surprise.
If you were not a fool once, you will never be a genius. Always try to see yourself as a fool who uses his mind, as that is how my perception of a genius is. The inimitable ways of perceiving things lie in the nihilistic observation of your milieu. When your pulse beats to these nihilistic observations, you will find delight in the aesthetics of the morphed reality.
Photo Credit: Nicola Preti (Flickr Creative Commons)